
My recent session with Kim reminded me that grief makes us vulnerable. Sharing with a stranger can be intimidating - but as soon as we spoke on Zoom I knew I could trust Kim. Compassionate and nonjudgmental, she provides a safe space for healing. Clearly Kim’s motivation as a psychic medium is to truly help people. — Alison H.

I am incredibly grateful and blown away by the psychic reading I had with Kim Lawler! She is truly gifted and I cannot believe how much she knew and was able to tap into (like gave me chills). Even if you're skeptical, give it a try! She's the real thing. She's so awesome for offering free sessions and she is just an amazing person to talk to.

Thank you Kim!!! --Bree D.

My reading with Kim was comfortable and spot on. When I conferred with my family I do have a 3rd great Aunt Margareat who was a nun my maternal grandmother is Mary.Spoke with my dad and again while this is personal information my time with Kim was enlightening. I hope to some day open my mind and spirit again to her. Thanks Kim.
Melanie S

I really enjoyed my reading with Kim. She was on point and has a lovely presence about her. I was not sure what to expect but I was very happy with the reading that she did for me. I highly recommend her. Just go in with love and light in your heart and be open to the experience and you cannot go wrong.

-Cory E

3/26/24 Kim brought in three of my loved ones with accurate, detailed evidence for all of them, including age, personality, things they loved to do, the unique bond we shared, as well as a very meaningful message. It was especially wonderful to hear from my husband's grandmother as she doesn’t come through often and we miss her so much. Thank you! Thanks for this practice Kim, I really enjoyed working with you. You have a really warm, comfortable and friendly style. There was no question who you had - such great evidence about my husband’s grandmother. Her smoking reference is still making me laugh! I also really appreciated that you brought in my grandfather and friend and I loved that you picked up on the soul bond I shared with him. I look forward to working with you again. Thank you!

Elizabeth M

WOW. Kim brought through 3 significant people in my life. One being an uncle who passed in 1987. Kim was able to identify his life events, career, heavy smoking and circumstances around his passing. Kim also accurately described my dad and his love for the outdoors,hunting and fishing. A humerous event was referenced with my Mother in-law at a rodeo that we attended together. You did an excellent job Kim. -Brad B

Kim brought through both my grandfathers. She got each's personality, and type of work. Also differentiated between the one with lots of kids and the one with a small family. A few things surprised me such as the military service for my paternal grandfather. I'm not aware of that so will need to check. As for the other grandfather, there were other types of details that were cool, the kinds of jobs he held were listed. Also, family connections to Poland via polka, and Russia via given names. Very cool reading. Jean-Marc D